Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm mobile

So I bought a bike last week. Been looking online recently for a bike, and I found a woman leaving Taiwan who was trying to get rid of hers. It's a decent bike, actually big enough for me, though I have to get the seat raised. It also has a basket on the back which comes in handy. It's actually quite nice to have, I can get to work in less than 10 mins, and the city is small enough I can ride it to just about anywhere I want to go. No more waiting and paying for the subway. With the abundance of scooters and bikes here, your more than welcome to ride just about anywhere. I generally ride on the road alongside traffic, it's quite safe so long as you look out for anything in front of you. I know, I know, it's a bike, but it has made such a difference, especially late at night when I'm far from home, up to no good and the subways have stopped running. And the best part about the bike you ask? It was only 493NT (supposed to be 500 but all I had was 493 on me) that's about 12 bucks for the mathematically challenged. Not much else to report, planned a trip with two Americans and a Chinese girl for Chinese New Year. Spending nine days driving the entire island. Here's a useless though interesting fact regarding Taiwan, especially for you New Jerseians; Taiwan is half the size of Maryland but has a population of 22 million people. Talk about population density. As for Xmas gifts should anyone be nice enough, I would love gift cards to, IKEA, and some other bookstore that delivers internationally. Thanks and Cheers....

Sunday, November 19, 2006

innocous selfishness...

For any parties nice enough to consider a christmas present for a lonely traveller come santa time, cue Bing Crosby, I would like to provide an address. It's seams easiest to do it this way. Anywho here goes: Frank Aquino
Kojen School #1
12 Kuling Street
Taipei, Taiwan